Criminal Defense Lawyer Maui - Cary Virtue

Drug Felonies

Drug Felonies Defense Attorney

Defending People Facing Drug Crime Charges in Hawaii

Types of Drug Crimes

Crimes involving drugs are some of the most heavily prosecuted crimes in all of Hawaii. If you are facing drug charges in Hawaii, we can help. Criminal defense attorney Cary Virtue has experience handling drug cases involving all types of illegal drugs, including crystal meth, cocaine and marijuana as well as a variety of other illegal drugs.

Crystal Methamphetamine

Known on the streets as “ice”, crystal meth was introduced in Hawaii from Asia in the mid-80’s and is the number drug threat in the state. The sale, use and transportation of crystal methamphetamine in Hawaii has had a devastating impact on local communities and threatens the very way of life in the state. This is why every level of government in Hawaii is focused on stopping the drug. A conviction involving Meth can be severe. Meth trafficking first degree has up to 20 years prison and minimum of 4-8 years in prison. In federal court, depending on amount and priors, can be life in prison.


Cocaine is the second most commonly used illicit drug (following marijuana) in the U.S. In Hawaii, the abuse of cocaine, particularly crack, is decreasing but still remains a threat to the state. Often used in conjunction with other drugs including heroin and marijuana, cocaine addiction is extremely traumatic for addicts and their families.


Marijuana, the second most significant drug threat to the state, is widely available and frequently abused in Hawaii, especially by teenagers. Most marijuana available in Hawaii is produced locally. Although there are efforts to legalize minor amounts for personal use and one can get a medical marijuana card for legal medicinal use, it is still a crime. Along with penalties for usage and distribution, penalties for commercial growers can be severe. Commercial growth of one hundred or more plants is a class A felony, carrying up to 20 years prison in state court.


There are numderous other drug crimes that someone could be charge and convicted with in the state of Hawaii. Some of these include:

  • Heroin
  • Club Drugs including GHB, MDMA, and LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide)
  • Pharmaceuticals/Prescription Pills (Hydrocodone, OxyContin etc.)

Aggressive Dedicated Defense for You

No matter what drug crime you have been charged with, you can be certain that the penalties imposed by state lawmakers are harsh, and it is necessary to take action to defend yourself of the charge. Drug crimes are serious offenses and the penalties can be significant.

When facing a criminal drug charge, fighting for your defense is a critical matter. Not all attorneys have the talent in the courtroom to present a compelling defense to the jury. It has been proven on countless high-profile cases that the skill of the defense attorney is of ultimate importance in any criminal trial. Criminal defense attorney Cary Virtue is prepared to aggressively pursue all avenues of defense, and to seek out any flaw in the case against you and exploit it in the fight for your freedom.